All the right ingredients for your blended business in one place

Comprehensive deep-dive into Blended Learning

Content types and ideas

Explanations of the most common learning interventions

What inspiration will you find in the Learning Cookbook?

1. What is your outcome?

In the first chapter, we will share with you how to assess your ideal learning objectives, using the three outlined practical steps.

2. What ingredients do you need?

The second chapter will provide clarity on the characteristics of learning intervention and provide practical solutions on how to select appropriate learning methods.

3. Prepare the courses

How do you divide content into separate modules? How do you decide what content to include in each course? All these questions will be answered in chapter three.

4. Add a little bit of spice

This chapter’s focus is learning techniques. More specifically it highlights three reinforcing techniques that can upgrade your learning journey to the next level.

5. Time to test

Put together a pilot group to test and measure your potential pupils response to your training programme.

6. Time to serve

The sixth and final chapter of the book will walk through the different options you have for kicking-off your learning plan, and help you decide which might be the best for you.

Fill in the form to receive the Cookbook!

If you would like to benefit from this overview of blended learning, simply fill in the form to the right and get immediate access to download our Cookbook!


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Inmisceo builds long standing partnerships that help you make more training impact. We do this by safeguarding a good fit and building longstanding partnerships based on a value-driven relationship.


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