TIS tool

OUR Services


Our Training Intelligence Service (TIS) tool provides you with a whole host of features and benefits:

Combine data from aNewSpring with your CRM

Show training impact to your customers

Manage your training business based on real time data

woman looking at TIS tool on her laptop


Training Delivery Strategy

Your customer, who attends your classroom course, has a different set of requirements than the one buying your V-ILT. Blended often offers the best learning experience for your learners, and Online is great for scalability. Although each of these seem easy to implement, quite often they come with a caveat. E.g. you have to acquire new skills, new technology, change your way of working and often pre-finance the whole thing without any immediate sales.

Persona Building

There are several reasons why a training does not match the requirements of your learners anymore. One of the common reasons we have discovered has to do with the change in training delivery. Your customer who attends your classroom course has a different set of requirements than the one buying your V-ILT, blended or online courses.

Pricing Strategy

It’s a new world, with different rules. Digital transformation in the training sector means that differentiation in an increasingly competitive world is more important than ever. Value for your customer is now redefined and a blended or online course delivery has completely overturned the financial model of training businesses.

Business Model Canvas

This is a widely used tool to describe your business model. However it also is used for innovation and re-organising your existing business.

Launching New Products for Training Companies

When introducing new courses to the market, you want to make sure you quickly create impact and revenue. In this workshop we use an elaborate checklist to ensure maximum return in a short time.


As well as the above workshops, we can also deliver in-team, personally for your business.

Managed Service

The Strategic Partnership program works with you to plan, build, grow and scale your blended or online training business. We work closely with your team to increase your business value and lower the risks on the way. We share the risk with you; only when you have learners, we are rewarded.

PlanUnderstand, Share, AgreeBlended Strategy
BuildCreate Learning JourneyFirst Value Course(s)
GrowCreate Portfolio, Test & MeasureComplete Offering & Customer Value
ScaleExpandRevenue Scale Up

The Managed Service process will follow these steps:

  • 5 Step Platform
  • Platform discovery
  • Build first value
  • Launch Prep
  • Test & measure
  • Complete Portfolio
  • New markets
  • Partnerships

Reach out to us for a consultation

Inmisceo builds long standing partnerships that help you make more training impact. We do this by safeguarding a good fit and building longstanding partnerships based on a value-driven relationship.


128 City Road
United Kingdom

0203 633 4661
