Blended Learning Business Celebration: Adaptis Case Study

Adaptis is the L&D consultancy that turns the latest thinking in behavioural psychology into practical solutions that deliver tangible behaviour change and results for organisations. It is made up of team of consultants, coaches and facilitators from two distinct backgrounds psychology, educated to Masters level, some with experience practising in a clinical setting, and from leadership positions in a range of public and private sector organisations.

Inmisceo has been working together with Adaptis to help them achieve their vision of helping organization increasing productivity, well-being and efficiency in the workspace through practical training.

This month we wanted to celebrate Adaptis. Paul Higgins, head of sales and operations of Inmisceo had the opportunity to interview Thomas Sutton, the Learning & Development Multimedia Designer of Adaptis to find out how the collaboration with Inmisceo has helped their business.

What would your customers say today about the service you provide that has improved their experience?

Our clients are always looking for new and effective ways we can engage with participants and enrich learning on our programmes. The feedback we have received so far indicates how we are continuing to embrace the future of learning and are able to find new ways to engage and interact with our clients, which has seen customer satisfaction and completion rates improve across all our programmes.

What are your ambitions with your Adaptis environment, which key ingredients made you choose Inmisceo?

Adaptis programmes focus on learning, development, and collaboration. We wanted to extend this outside of the workshops by advancing the participants’ experience through an online learning portal that holds all the programme materials, allows for continued collaboration across the team and further enriches the programme. Inmisceo allows us to do just that in a bespoke designed learning environment, working in harmony with the programmes we deliver in one centralised learning portal.

What was your initial impression of working with Inmisceo?

What we noticed straight away was the combination of tools at our disposal to develop our programmes, and the simplicity of the design which allows participants with and without experience of using e-learning programmes to quickly pick it up. It’s important that we can check-in with team’s progress at a glance and in depth. With Inmisceo powerful reporting tools, we can do this quickly and effectively to ensure all our participants are keeping up to date on their programmes.

What would you say to other training providers considering Inmisceo as a partner?

We have tested many Learning Management Systems, and Inmisceo has by far been the most impactful platform for our programmes. The tools, functionality and user experience combined makes for a hybrid learning environment that continues to have that ‘wow’ factor every time our clients are introduced to the platform.

Paul Higgins

Head of Sales and Operations

paul higgins

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